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Faculty Guide to DU Digital Library

Get Articles Online

Access to Library Resources:

Although the DU Library would like to offer access to everyone, our license agreements with the publishers of our online databases, journals, and e-books require that only current DU students, faculty, and staff be given access to these resources.

Library Search Box

Search All

You are searching books, e-books, articles from newspapers, magazines and scholarly journals, DVDs, market research reports, and selected Web resources.

Search Articles

You are searching articles from newspapers, newsletters, magazines and scholarly journals.

Search Books

You are searching books and e-books.

Tips to Finding Articles

  • Look for the Full-Text limiter to retrieve articles that can be read immediately.
  • Look for the Peer-reviewed or Refereed limiter to view articles from scholarly journals.
  • Enter keywords rather than full sentences.
  • Use quotation marks when searching a phrase (2+ words). For example, "women's studies" or "women's rights movement".

Popular Databases

Journal Finder

Looking for a specific journal or newspaper?

  • Search the Journal Finder list to see if we have access to that journal in our databases and what years we have it in full text.
  • Once you locate the journal, click on the database link to search within it.