Interested in Reviewing an Open Textbook?
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The Davenport University Digital Library Open Textbook Review Program
Encourages faculty to explore open textbooks as an alternative to traditional textbooks. The reviews can help faculty to decide if adopting open educational resources is right for their course and will create a champion for adoption in their department.
$3000 will be available for faculty to review Open Textbooks.
Up to 10 faculty members can participate in the program.
Adjunct faculty may participate, with approval from their Associate Department Chair and by completing the MI ExplOER self-paced online course.
The textbooks can be from the Open Textbook Library, LibreTexts, Open Stax.
These are just example sites. The textbook can come from another source as long as it contains a creative commons license.
The textbook should be one that can be used in a DU course.
If you need help deciding if it has a creative commons license, talk to Emily Hayes for assistance.
A $200 stipend will be offered for each review. An additional $100 stipend will be offered if adopted for the course.
The allocated money is available on a first-come, first-serve basis. There is a limit of 2 reviews per faculty member.
If a course adopts the textbook, faculty who reviewed the textbook must fill out the Adopt an Open Textbook form to receive the additional $100.
The Open Textbook Review Form
Faculty who participate in the program will provide a concise review of the textbook based on the following criteria:
All reviews will be compiled and published in the Open Educational Resources Guide for DU Faculty to use as recommendations.
Emily Hayes
Global Campus Librarian