Name of report: Name of geographic region(s) [Explanatory note]. (date). Gale Business: Demographics Now. Retrieved retrieval date, from URL of database homepage
Business comparison: 48906 Lansing, 48910 Lansing, 48911 Lansing, 48912 Lansing, 48915 Lansing, 48917 Lansing, 48933 Lansing [Demographic data]. (n.d.). Gale Business: Demographics Now. Retrieved June 2, 2020, from
Parenthetical: (“Business Comparison,” n.d.)
Narrative: "... as mentioned by Business Comparison (n.d.),"
Name of Company [Company profile]. (date). Business Insights: Global. Retrieved retrieval date, from URL of database homepage
General Motors Company [Company profile]. (n.d.). Business Insights Global. Retrieved June 2, 2020, from
Parenthetical: (“General Motors Company,” n.d.)
Narrative: "... as mentioned by General Motors Company (n.d.),"
Name of chart: List of companies, countries, or industries [Comparison chart]. (date). Business Insights Global. Retrieved retrieval date, from URL of database homepage
Revenue by company: General Motors Company and Ford Motor Company [Comparison chart]. (n.d.). Business Insights Global. Retrieved June 2, 2020, from
Parenthetical: (“Revenue by Company,” n.d.)
Narrative: "... as mentioned by Revenue by Company (n.d.),"
Name of topic [Topic overview]. (Publication Year). Name of Database. URL of database homepage
Author’s last name, First initial(s). (Publication Year). Name of topic [Topic overview]. Name of Database. URL of database homepage
Cyberbullying [Topic overview]. (2020). Gale In Context: Global Issues.
Lerner, K. L. (2019). Designer babies [Topic overview]. Gale In Context: Science.
Parenthetical: (Cyberbullying,
2020) or (Lerner, 2019)
Narrative: "... as mentioned by Cyberbullying (2020)," or "... as mentioned by Lerner (2019),"
Report Author. (date). Report title (Report number). IBISWorld. URL of database homepage
Fernandez, C. (2020, March). Paint manufacturing in the US (US Industry Report 32551). IBISWorld.
Parenthetical: (Fernandez, 2020)
Narrative: "... as mentioned by Fernandez (2020),"
Name of Report [Explanatory note]. (Year of Publication). Dun & Bradstreet Key Business Ratios. URL of database homepage
SIC: 10-metal mining [Industry report]. (2018). Dun & Bradstreet Key Business Ratios.
Parenthetical: (SIC: 10-Metal Mining,
Narrative: "... as mentioned by SIC: 10-Metal Mining (2018),"
Name of Company [Company report]. (date). Mergent Online or Mergent Intellect. Retrieved retrieval date, from URL of database homepage.
Steelcase Inc. [Company report]. (n.d.). Mergent Online. Retrieved June 4, 2020, from
Parenthetical: (Steelcase Inc.,
Narrative: "... as mentioned by Steelcase Inc. (n.d.),"
Analyst’s last name, First initial. (Publication date). Title of report [Industry report]. Mintel. URL of database homepage
Failla, J. (2019, July). Coffee – US [Industry report]. Mintel.
Parenthetical: (Failla, 2019)
Narrative: "... as mentioned by Failla (2019),"
Mintel. (Publication date). Title of report [Data book]. URL of database homepage
Mintel. (2022, August). Coffee and RTD coffee - US - 2022 [Data book].
Parenthetical: (Mintel, 2022)
Narrative: "... as mentioned by Mintel (2022),"
Mintel. (Publication date). Title of report (Section of report) [Data set]. URL of database homepage
Mintel. (2022, August). Coffee and RTD coffee - US - 2022 (Interactive databook: Creamer usage demographics) [Data set].
Parenthetical: (Mintel, 2022)
Narrative: "... as mentioned by Mintel (2020),"
When creating a citation that requires a page number, use the "Full Report" instead of the individual section pdfs. This will save you the trouble of having to add the section name to the citation.
Morningstar. (Publication Date). Title of report [Explanatory note]. Morningstar Investment Research. Retrieved retrieval date, from url
Morningstar. (2022, February 4). Nike Inc Class B NKE [Equity report]. Morningstar Investment Research. Retrieved February 7, 2022, from
Parenthetical: (Morningstar, 2022)
Narrative: "... as mentioned by Morningstar (2022),"
Use the full date, not just the year, because the report is updated throughout the year. The stocks part of the report is updated frequently. Because of those constantly changing updates, you need to include the retrieved from date and URL.
Analyst’s last name, First Initial. (Publication Date). Title of report [Explanatory note]. Morningstar Investment Research. Url of database homepage
Swartz, D. (2022, January 4). Wide-moat Nike’s powerful brand and e-commerce position it well despite some short-term issues [Equity analyst report]. Morningstar Investment Research.
Parenthetical: (Swartz, 2022)
Narrative: "... as mentioned by Swartz (2022),"
Because the analyst reports are only included in this database, you need to mention the database. Because the date is fixed, you don't need the date retrieved statement and just the main database URL.
Author’s Last Name, First Initial(s). (Year of Publication). Entry title. In Editor’s First Intital(s). Last Name(s) (Ed.), E-book title. Publisher Name.
Issitt, M. L. (2016). 3-D printing. In D. Franceschetti (Ed.), Principles of Computer Science. Salem Press.
Parenthetical: (Issitt, 2016)
Narrative: "... as mentioned by Issitt (2016),"
Author. (Date). Title [Data or Table]. Sports Market Analytics. Retrieved Retrieval date from URL of database homepage
National Sporting Goods Association. (n.d.). Youth sports: Ages 7-17 as % of participants, by sport [Data]. Sports Market Analytics. Retrieved August 12, 2020 from
Parenthetical: (National Sporting Goods Association, n.d.)
Narrative: "... as mentioned by the National Sporting Goods Association (n.d.),"
Title. (Date). Name of Article Series. URL of database homepage
Nike employees march at headquarters for women’s rights. (2019, December 10). SGB Update.
Parenthetical: (Nike Employees,
Narrative: "... as mentioned by Nike Employees (2019),"
Most articles in SMA do not have authors listed. When that happens, the title goes in the Author position.
Statista. (date). Title of survey question: Country, year of survey [Survey question].
Statista. (2022). Attitudes toward food: United States, 2022 – update 3 [Survey question].
Parenthetical: (Statista, 2022)
Narrative: "... as mentioned by Statista (2022),"
See Journal Articles with DOI if your article includes a doi.