When to capitalize?
What is title case capitalization and what is sentence case capitalization?
In Title Case capitalize: | In Sentence Case capitalize: |
All major words (words of four letters or more), including 2nd word of hyphenated major words | First word of title, subtitle, or heading |
Minor words (words of three or fewer letters) ONLY when first word of title or sub-title or after punctuation in a heading | First word after punctuation |
Titles of articles, books, and reports in the text of your paper (not References list) | Titles of articles (not journal/magazine/newspaper titles), books, reports, & webpages in your References list |
Titles of periodicals – journals/magazines/newspapers (not article titles) in your References list | |
Proper nouns | Proper nouns |
Titles of tests, measures, inventories | Nouns followed by numbers or letters |
Title of your own paper on the title page | |
Headings level 1-5 in your paper | |
Table and figure titles | Table column headings, entries, and notes; figure notes |
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Content adapted from University of Maryland Global Campus, "APA 7th Edition Citation Examples: Titles".
Table 1], (2) Table Title [e.g.
Descriptive Statistics and Correlations for Study Variables], (3) Table Body, (4) Table Notes