Articles in business, management, accounting, computer science, health, and social sciences.
Davenport has a pay-by-article subscription, allowing you to select just the articles you want Davenport to purchase for your research. There is an average delay of 1-4 business days on delivery of the article to you, though sometimes it can take longer.
Covers all subjects, especially science, humanities, and law.
Over 1,000 business journals (about 500 peer-reviewed) including most of the American Accounting Association journals, Forbes, Fortune, Harvard Business Review, and many other top business sources. Includes SWOT analyses and MarketLine company reports (under the Company Profiles section).
For about 500 Harvard Business Review articles (those that are most frequently assigned as course readings in business schools), Harvard Business Publishing has usage limits:
1) No printing (the PDF you can pull up does not allow printing or downloading)
2) No saving to students' individual EBSCO accounts (to easily get back to it)
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will take you to a page with information on the title but no link to the
You can recognize these articles because a message at the top of the PDF: The publisher offers limited access to this document. It cannot be shared, printed, or downloaded.
To see an example: search for title: "Lean Knowledge Work" and author: "Staats."
E-books covering marketing, management, finance, accounting, legal and analytical aspects of business, and more.
E-books on all subjects.
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