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Spring Planting Guide

Reasons to Plant Gardens

Local Ecology and Pollinators

Photo by Joshua J. Cotten on Unsplash

Planting native plants that encourage pollinators will help ensure pollinators stick around in your local area. This is important for clean air, water, and soil. 

Pollinators are key to reproduction of wild plants in our local and global ecosystem. 

The water cycle depends on plants to return moisture to the atmosphere, and plants depend on pollinators to help them reproduce.

Plants also help provide prevention for soil erosion to adding their roots to the soil systems.

Source: U.S. Forest Service

Mental Health

Gardening and greenspaces have been found to help both mental and physical health for hospital patients, inmates, and the general public. 

For further reading: 

Gardening is especially helpful for mental health during times of crisis, as shown during the current and recent Covid-19 lockdowns. 

For further reading:

Beauty and Curb Appeal

Gardens add natural beauty to your life, even in small doses. Adding plants or a garden can also increase the curb appeal of your home, this could be attractive to potential buyers or even just your neighbors!