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Research Tips: How to Find Peer Reviewed Articles

Is this Journal is Peer Reviewed?

Proquest Databases

To see if a journal is peer reviewed, click on the link to the journal name when you are looking at an article. A box will pop up, and if it says Peer reviewed, then that journal is considered peer reviewed.

peer review journal record

Ebsco Databases

To see if the journal is peer reviewed, click on the link to the journal name when you are looking at an article.

details of journal


It will take you to a Publication Details page for that journal. Look for the line that says Peer Reviewed. It will have a yes or no next to it. 

Ebcsco Publication Details page

Gale Databases

To see if a journal is peer reviewed, click on the link to the journal name.

publication details

It will take you to a page that has details about that journal. Look for a Yes next to Peer-Reviewed

publication details