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Project Management Journals
Business & Economics Journals
Management Journals
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Project Management Journals
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And what years we have access to for full text.
PM Network
Journal of Engineering, Project, and Production Management
Project Management World Journal
2012 - Present. A global resource for sharing knowledge in program and project management.
Business & Economics Journals
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And it will take you to a list of journals for the that subject.
Business & Economics Journals
Management Journals
Click on the link for the journal.
It will take you to a page that tells you what database we have that journal in
And what years we have access to for full text.
Journal of Knowledge Management
Journal of Knowledge Management, Economics and Information Technology
Harvard Business Review
1997 - 2000 (online); 1 Year Ago - Present (in
at GR-Lettinga library). Harvard Business School Press Magazine for business executives.
Management Decision
Learning Organization
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