Consulte la sección Poder del comprador y del proveedor del informe de IBISWorld para conocer la cadena de suministro.
Para encontrar artículos, busque el tipo de producto que utiliza y la cadena de suministro. Por ejemplo, pretzels y cadena de suministro.
For about 500 Harvard Business Review articles (those that are most frequently assigned as course readings in business schools), Harvard Business Publishing has usage limits:
1) No printing (the PDF you can pull up does not allow printing, though, you can download it)
2) No saving to students' individual EBSCO accounts (to easily get back to it)
3) No direct linking in web pages or Blackboard courses (the permalink will take you to a page with information on the title but no link to the document)
You can recognize these articles because a message in a yellow box appears when you click on the title page stating: The publisher offers limited access to this article. The full text cannot be printed or saved.
To see an example: search for title: "Lean Knowledge Work" and author: "Staats" and click on the first article.
Busque cuadros y gráficos que hablen sobre dónde los consumidores compran sus productos, proveedores, etc.
Ofrece informes y tendencias del mercado de consumo para los mercados estadounidenses e internacionales, incluida la publicidad.
Click the 'I accept' page, and it will take you to the database.