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OLD DU Day of Research

Friday, April 14, 2023

Sharing Your File

Your file has already been uploaded into your Blackboard Collaborate room.  When you are in the Collaborate room and it is your turn to present, you can bring it up with the following steps:

  1. Open the right-side panel by clicking on the purple tab with the white chevrons icon at the lower right corner.
    Purple Tab with White Chevrons

  2. On the bottom of the panel that opens, select the middle icon with the arrow coming out of a screen.

  3. A list of options will appear at the top of the panel.  Select Share Files.
    Share files in Blackboard Collaborate

  4. A list of pre-loaded files will appear.  If your file is just one page, click on your presentation to highlight it, then press Share Now at the bottom of the panel for it to display to the left.
    Share Now Button in Blackboard Collaborate

  5. If it has multiple slides/pages, you will see a stack with the number of pages/slides listed.  When you click on Share Now, the individual slides will display in the right panel.  Click on your first slide to have it appear in the sharing area to the left.  
    Number of Slides

  6. To give your presentation the full screen, click on the purple X to close the side panel.

  7. The name of your presentation will display below your slide.  If your PowerPoint has multiple slides, you can see what slide you are on. Use the arrows to advance to the next slide or go back to a previous slide. 
    Slide Arrows in Blackboard Collaborate