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DU Day of Research

Virtual Event

Tell Your Students

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E-Mail Your Students

You can use an email like this one to encourage your students to submit their work to the DU Day of Research. Just customize the message to include information that is specific to your course.

Sample Email

SUBJECT: Day of Research: You’re Qualified!

You are receiving this message because you have completed (insert course name) in the past year. As you may recall, one assignment in that course was (name of assignment). The presentation you developed as part of that project fulfills the (insert project type) guidelines for Davenport’s upcoming Day of Research event. That means, with little extra work, you can easily participate in the Day of Research and experience its benefits.

What is the Day of Research?
The DU Day of Research provides a showcase for students and faculty to share original work that demonstrates competencies necessary for engagement in lifelong learning and professional success, as well as offering an opportunity to educate on the process of research. The event is held virtually in Blackboard Collaborate. 

What are the benefits?
  • Build your resume.
  • Practice presentation skills with an audience.
  • Gain professional recognition.
  • Students presenting can win monetary awards up to $500!