1st-Gen - First-Generation College Student (first in their family to attend college) (See FITIAC)
ACEN - Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (accreditation body for Davenport's Diploma in Practical Nursing programs)
ACES - Achieving Career and Educational Success - a First Year Seminar class (ACES100)
ACM@DU - Davenport chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery
ACOTE - Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (accreditation body of AOTA for some Davenport's Master of Science in Occupational Therapy)
ACT (under Admissions) - American College Test (a standardized examination used to predict students' educational readiness for college admission- currently waived for Davenport student applications)
ADP (also on Staff Connections page) - Company named Automatic Data Processing (electronic time card system for hourly staff, paycheck & PTO for all staff)
AGI (under Terminology for Financial Aid) - Adjusted Gross Income
ALD - Alpha Lambda Delta (National Honor Society for 1st-year students with 3.5 GPA or better)
AUPHA - Association of University Programs in Health Administration (international consortium of graduate and undergraduate health administration programs)
BBAY - Borrower Based Academic Year (model for determining student financial aid eligibility)
BCM - Banner Communication Manager (a Self-Service Banner module)
BPA (under Open to All) - Davenport chapter of Business Professionals of America (has annual National Leadership Conference competition in business areas)
CAE/CDE - Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education
CAHIIM - Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education (accreditation body for some Davenport health programs)
CBC - Criminal Background Check (needed for some majors)
CBOC - internship partner in Wyoming, VA Community Based Outpatient Clinic (See RNPC)
CPOS - Course Program of Study - a process in Banner that checks Degreeworks on each individual student to verify that courses they are registered for are part of their program.
GREAT - Great Customer Service (Greet, Respond, Exceed expectations, Actively Listening, Thanking)
HLC - Higher Learning Commission (Accrediting body for Davenport University)
HSPPO - Health and Science Pre-Professional Organization
IACBE - International Accreditation Council for Business Education (Accrediting body for some of Davenport's business programs)
IB - International Baccalaureate (some high schools are approved to offer IB approved classes designed with a more holistic approach encouraging critical thinking while focusing on global, intercultural, and personal growth)
PDC - Pre-Designed Course - a course template for the Global Campus classes
PDCA - Plan - Do - Check - Act (Process improvement tools)
PELL EFC - Pell Grant (named after the chief sponsor of the legislation creating the program, Sen. Claiborne Pell of Rhode Island) - Estimated Family Contribution
PLUS Loan (under Terminology for Financial Aid) - student loan, part of the Federal Direct Student Loan Program (used to stand for Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students)
QM - Quality Matters (a certification for a standard of course design that Davenport has adapted and is slowly applying to all classes)
RAA - Required Assessment Assignment, assignments that are standardized for the specific course so that no matter the section being taught, the assignment stays the same
RNPC Grant - Registered Nurse in Primary Care grant offered in partnership with CBOC
SAR (under Terminology for Financial Aid) - Student Aid Report (also known as ISIR - Institutional Student Information Report)
SAT (under Admissions) - Scholastic Aptitude Test (a standardized examination used to predict students' educational readiness for college admission - currently waived for Davenport student applications)
SBD - Sigma Beta Delta (Honor Society for students in business, management, & administration)
SCORM - Sharable Content Object Reference Model - a set of technical standards for communication between online educational software and Learming Managment Systems (LMS), such as Blackboard.
SDE - Supplemental Data Engine (tool in our enterprise resource planning software, Banner, to add supplemental data to a validation table in Banner)