Humanities is the study of humanity, not the natural sciences of humans, such as human biology
or psychology but what humans have created, their history, their languages, and their thoughts and ideas:
the expression of human creativity to convey stories, meaning, and feelings
Visual Arts
static, physical art producing physical objects that can be viewed repeatedly
Performing Arts
ephemeral, moving art using bodies, voices, music, and/or inanimate objects that is for a moment in
the past story of people groups and events
a system of communication using sounds, written symbols, and syntax
a system of rules enforced by a government of a group of people to address problem behavior
a body of written work of a language or people, especially works of artistic or intellectual value
Oral Literature
spoken works or song, generally of a traditional nature, repeated through time in the same way
theories about existence, knowledge, nature, meaning, thought, and ethics based on reason and logic
Political Science
political institutions and the principles and conduct of government
sets of beliefs about God or gods, the universe, the unseen spiritual world and how humanity relates to them
Includes articles on Art, Design, Archaeology, Anthropology, Classical Studies, Architecture, History, Philosophy, Geography, Modern Languages, Literature, Cultural Studies, and Music.
Profiling milestones and movements in the arts, literature, music and religion from a specific period, helping understand the various disciplines of the humanities in relation to each other, as well as to history and culture. An overview of the period and a chronology of major world events begin each volume.