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Learning Outcomes Guide


  • Are the outcomes specific?
  • Are the outcomes simply stated?
  • Are the outcomes written using action verbs to specify definite, observable behavior? 
    • Do they use vague or unclear language, such as "understand" or "comprehend"?
  • Do the outcomes clearly describe and define the expected abilities, knowledge, and values of learners?
  • Are learners at the center of the outcome, or does it focus on the teacher behaviors?
  • Does the language used describe a learning outcome, not a process or activity?
  • Is it possible to collect accurate and measurable data for each outcome?
    • If not, can it be re-written? 
  • Is it possible to use a single method to measure each outcome? 
  • Can the outcomes be used to identify areas for improvement?
  • Are the outcomes aligned with the mission, vision, values, and goals of the institution? program? course?
  • Taken together, would the indicators associated with the outcomes accurately reflect the key results of the program? 

Source: UMD Libraries, Learning Outcomes