For research done within an undergraduate or graduate class as a class project, the instructor should go through the IRB process to submit a Human Subjects Review Form (HRS-1) with Department Chair approval for a course in which students commonly do research (rather than students submitting independently for approval).
In going through the process, the instructor takes on full responsibility for monitoring the protection of human subjects, student training, and keeping the project within the bounds of the IRB guidelines.
Before starting a class research project, the instructor must complete and submit the following documents for IRB approval:
Proposals describe the research plan, explain the provisions to protect participants, and outline what steps will be taken to comply with federally-mandated legal and ethical guidelines. Each question in the protocol should be answered using non-technical language so that IRB members will have ample information to understand the proposed research project.
Submit the completed Proposal Cover Sheet & Form, along with certificate(s) of completion of Human Subjects training to