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NURS 315 Health Promotion & Education (Online) Guide

Group Work & Professionalism

Group Work Tips

Teamwork Skills: Being an Effective Group Member - For small groups to function effectively in a course context, students must attend to both the climate within their group and the process by which they accomplish their tasks. Critical to a healthy climate and an effective process are strong communication skills. Below you will find the basic characteristics of effective communicators, plus tips to help students with group climate and process.

Tips to Work Effectively in Group Projects - Team members’ personalities can complement one another or they can clash, but with these tips, you can breathe a bit easier while completing your group projects. Consider the following tips to help your team work together on a group project:


Professionalism in the Workplace - How to Conduct Yourself on the Job

What Does It Mean to Be Professional at Work? - Ten key elements of professionalism that you should master early in your career.

Workplace Bullying in Nursing: A Problem That Can't Be Ignored - Workplace bullying is a serious problem affecting nursing. Abusive workplaces result in lack of job satisfaction, poor retention, and adverse patient outcomes. This article presents the history of this problem in nursing and offer potential solutions.